štvrtok 24. mája 2012

Totemová (Totemic - English translation)

bola tu
keď som prestávala byť
keď počula tlkotavý bubon
biť na poplach

keď tíchol
sliny jej stekali po hrive

a bežala v kruhu - po sne
kým som neuverila že ním je

teraz v rohu na zemi
jej hladím zlepenú srsť
z ktorej sa parí

prestáva byť
už ju nepremieňam na sen

na okamih
nie je - nie som

začíname rozumieť


she was here

when I was ceasing to be

when she heard a throbbing drum

an alarm bell jangling

when it was dying away
saliva was streaming down her mane

and she ran in circles – along a dream
until I believed she was one

now on the floor in the corner
I pet her steaming matted fur

she is ceasing to be
and I stopped turning her
into a dream

for a moment
she is not – I am not

we are beginning to understand

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