dnešná farebná tlač plná športových dresov,
tatranskej prírody,inzertnej rubriky,
hipsterského jedla a všetkých odtieňov utečencov
pracovník rýchleho občerstvenia na železničnej stanici cíti
ako sa pod ním trasie stolička
roky poctivo vyhrievaná
oliznutým ukazovákom prechádza stránky
červené a modré
hľadá sa.
orechové lodičky mysľou posiela späť
deťom z fotografií kradne mobilné telefóny
pýta sa manželky, kedy sa štát začne starať o nás,
kedy my dostaneme niečo zadarmo
prská hnedú žlč.
hľadá ich.
a ty tam - kde máš svoje noviny
tie bez dátumov
postav sa, nech vidno politické roviny toho,
že ti medzi prstami zasychá hlina a za ušami krv
píšeme o poveternostných podmienkach
o vývoji na medzinárodnom trhu
o sebe, o mŕtvych, o vás,
o športových výsledkoch
rovnakým tónom čiernych titulkov
sobota 30. septembra 2017
streda 21. júna 2017
how I overcame a sad day - manual
I sat
and drank some tasteless tea
with a teabag left inside the cup
I didn't wash my face
I deleted something
I remembered someone
I wore cold socks and even colder underwear
I kept looking at a trashy porcelain sculpture
in my neighbor's living room for ten minutes
until the only thing in the room
exuding warmth was me
I swore to myself not to do anything
not no read any newspaper
not to make any promises
not to wear the color black
and definitely not to use words of latin origin
I intentionally ignored the weather forecast
and all the fashion rules
and lied about knowing any fashion rules
I kept counting blue dots on your shirt
and never reached the final number
because of so many distractions
and drank some tasteless tea
with a teabag left inside the cup
I didn't wash my face
I deleted something
I remembered someone
I wore cold socks and even colder underwear
I kept looking at a trashy porcelain sculpture
in my neighbor's living room for ten minutes
until the only thing in the room
exuding warmth was me
I swore to myself not to do anything
not no read any newspaper
not to make any promises
not to wear the color black
and definitely not to use words of latin origin
I intentionally ignored the weather forecast
and all the fashion rules
and lied about knowing any fashion rules
I kept counting blue dots on your shirt
and never reached the final number
because of so many distractions
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